Garkane is working on a multi-year project to upgrade electric meters throughout its service territory. We have hired a 3rd party to install them on our residential accounts. Their name is Allegiant Utility Service. Here are some FAQ about the project. If you have further questions, please call us at 800-747-5403.
Q: Why is my meter being replaced?
A: The current system in place is no longer viable for the long term. Like all technologies, upgrades are inevitable. While the function of your upgraded meter won’t change, installing the most current meter helps us deliver safe, reliable energy.
Q: Why is Garkane investing in upgrading the electric meter?
A: The current technology is no longer supported. We want to continually improve our customer service while improving energy service reliability. Staying up to date on changes to technology are key for serving our members better now and in the future.
Q: What is required from me?
A: Nothing is required of you other than access to your current electric meter.
You may also experience a short or momentary loss of power (1 -min or less) if necessary.
Q: What do I do if I have further questions about my specific meter or electrical service?
A: For all inquiries related to your meter or service contact Garkane Energy Metering Department @ 1-800-747-5403.
Q: I missed the meter upgrade and have a door hanger containing contact information, what now?
A: Allegiant Utility Services is who Garkane has contracted with to perform our meter exchanges. In the event of a missed appointment or meter exchange please contact them @ 1- 888-502-1845 to schedule/reschedule your meter exchange.
Garkane offers options for members seeking to opt-out of having an AMI meter. If you would like to opt-out, please review the three options and select which option works best for your situation. Click the links and fill out a quick application.
AMI Opt-Out options
General Opt-out: - Click here to opt-out with this option
- There will be a $240 fee to replace the meter as well as a $50 monthly charge to read the meter manually each month. You will receive a digital meter, but it won't send signals electronically through RF technology.
- You will receive a non-AMI meter.
- Garkane employee will read your meter once a month manually.
Budget Billing Opt-out: - Click here to opt-out with this option
- Member completes an opt-out request form and pays the associated Non-Standard Meter Replacement Fee of $240.00. (Plant Investment Fees & Garkane Service Charges Tariff) Upon review and acceptance of a complete application, Garkane will install the Non-Standard Meter from our inventory, review historic usage data, make any calculations or estimates, and place the requested account on our Budget Payment Plan.
- The member's account will then be invoiced monthly per Garkane's Budget Payment Plan policies for the budgeted usage plus $16.67 for reading the non-standard meter.
- Garkane's metering staff will read the meter quarterly and adjust the monthly payment plan as needed.
- An account true-up payment or credit will be made annually.
- By choosing to participate in the AMI opt-out budget payment option, the member will agree to the following
- Complete and unfettered daytime and emergency (after-hours) access to the member's meter for the purpose of making manual reads.
- Manual reads will not be scheduled with the member and will be made by Garkane at intervals and at times that allow the most efficient use of its staff time.
- The account will be served on the Residential Service rate. Additional rate schedules and savings programs requiring AMI data will not be available for the account.
- With 60 days public notice Garkane's board may alter the terms of its AMI opt-out options.
Once-A-Day Opt-Out: - Click here to opt-out with this option
- A member completes an opt-out request form and pays the associated Non-Standard Meter Replacement Fee of $240.00. (Plant Investment Fees & Garkane Service Charges Tariff)
- Upon review and acceptance of a complete application, Garkane will install the Non-Standard Meter from our inventory.
- By choosing to participate in the Once A Day AMI Communications Opt-Out option, the member will agree to the following
- Not to place any items beyond the plane of the residence's exterior wall that might block or interfere with Garkane's ability to make the once a day scheduled read.
- I have complete and unfettered daytime and emergency (after-hours) access to the member's meter to make manual reads if needed.
- The account will be served at the Residential Service rate. Additional rate schedules and savings programs requiring AMI data will not be available for it.
- During an electrical service outage, the meter will make a limited number of unscheduled communications attempts. Garkane's additional programming settings cannot turn off this feature.
- With 60 days public notice Garkane's board may alter the terms of its AMI opt-out options.